메인 컨텐츠로 건너뛰기

Simple and Trusted
Multiplayer for Unity.

PUN is the trusted state transfer multiplayer SDK made for Unity. It is boasting a stellar 5-star rating and is proudly being awarded „Most Downloaded Assets“ by Unity.


Fusion is the
Evolutionary Leap
of PUN

Now, with Fusion’s features and performance, a new benchmark for state transfer multiplayer engines is established. New projects are advised to use Fusion to take advantage of its significant technology leap.

We value and appreciate the investment our community has made in learning and building with Photon Unity Networking. PUN will continue to receive support, ensuring that ongoing or in-development projects remain secure and supported.

PUN 특징

PUN and its community has been instrumental in shaping the landscape for multiplayer game development for over a decade. Its basic, but robust feature set helped developers from all over the world to build and scale their games to global success.





Target Player Count per Session 16 200
Realtime Transport Layer:
Matchmaking, Low Latency Relay …
Prebuilt Functionality:
Area of Interest (AOI), Network Animator, Networked KCC, Networked Physics Addon
RPCs, State Replication
Performance & Bandwidth
Tick based simulation
Full World, Client Side prediction
Lag compensation
Snapshot interpolation
Full or Eventual Consistency

Photon Unity Networking
Asset Store Packages

PUN Free

Unity 5.x Personal 또는 Pro. 의 경우, 모든 플랫폼을 서포트 합니다. Unity 4.x 을 이용하실 경우, iOS와 Android 외의 플랫폼에서 Export가 가능합니다.

PUN Plus

어떤 Unity 버젼을 이용하셔도 모든 플랫폼에 Export가 가능합니다. 또한 Photon Realtime 100CCU를 이용할 수 있는 라이센스도 포함되어 있습니다. Just $95


Integrate With PUN Easily

엄선된 에셋을 아래에서 선택하세요.

Playmaker UFPS Highroad Engine Tanks Multiplayer

Scale Your Games World-Wide

All applications you develop with our suite of Photon products will run in our Photon Cloud. Here we take care of service hosting, operations and scaling. You can fully concentrate on building your game or app!


Photon Shared Mode -
Unique & Cost-Effective

In a nutshell the Photon Enterprise Cloud is like our well established public Photon Cloud and adds the following features: Runs on dedicated servers, provides guaranteed service levels (SLAs) and high priority support. Another big plus: You can run your own authoritative server logic via Plug-ins. Typical Photon Enterprise Cloud scenarios are apps with 10,000 concurrent users or more, bigger game projects that need authoritative server logic or companies whose compliance policies restrict them to dedicated resources.

문의처: [email protected].

Custom Plugins -
Server Authority in Our Cloud

All Photon Cloud products are based on a client to server architecture, the most stable solution for multiplayer games! In peer-to-peer architectures clients often cannot connect due to NAT punch-through issues. This problem is even worse in mobile networks. With the Photon Cloud your games will always connect.
Our operations team monitors servers 24/7 and can scale up required resources at any time. Whether your game needs capacity for hundreds or for hundreds of thousands of concurrent users: we scale it to your demands.


Low-Latency Gaming for Your Players

Low latency is an essential requirement in realtime multiplayer games. For this reason Photon Cloud is hosted in all major world regions to provide your players with a minimum latency.
Games that depend on low latency, like FPS or RTS game types, connect the players to the nearest region. Games that are able to handle higher latency, like turnbased game types, can connect all players to the same region.

사용 가능한 지역 및 설정 지침은 여기를 참조하세요.


코드 예

Photon Unity Networking (PUN) re-implements and enhances the features of Unity’s built-in networking. Under the hood, it uses Photon’s features to communicate and match players. The API is very similar to Unity’s. Developers with prior networking experience in Unity will feel at home immediately. An automatic converter assists you porting existing Unity multiplayer projects.




Connecting our loadbalanced servers is as easy. You can use the passed in string to distinguish between versions or use it to group clients. 로드 밸런스 처리된 서버에 간단히 접속할 수 있습니다. 제공된 문자열을 사용하여 버젼을 구분하거나 클라이언트를 그룹화 할때도 유용합니다.

게임에 참가하기


To join any existing game (often referred to as room as well) that is all it takes. Filters for max amount of players and game specific criteria are optionally passed in. 기존 게임(=룸)에의 참가도 간단합니다. 최대 플레이어 수 와 게임에 특화된 기준의 필터도 옵션으로 이용이 가능합니다.

게임 작성하기

                            public void OnConnectedToMaster()
                                PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom("Room42", true, true, 4);

Set up a new room using CreateRoom. Hand it over the room’s name, the room’s ability to be found by others, the option for others to join in and the max player count.

멀티 플레이어 시작하기

                            PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent( (byte) eventCode,
                                (object) eventContent,
                                (bool) sendReliable

게임내 데이터를 교환하거나, 리모트 오브젝트 속성을 설정하기 e.a. RPC로 전송.

더 많은 샘플이나 퀵 스타트 가이드, 데모, 참고 자료 등을 원하시면 Photon PUN의 Online Documentation 서비스 Photon PUN.

Download free Package!

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